Operating Systems

Ubuntu OS

UBUNTU (distinctly pronounce it as ‘oo-boon-too’) is considered to be the best Linux Distro. UBUNTU, Canonical Limited sponsored, is OPEN SOURCE, and FREE. It is invitingly easy for beginners. UBUNTU, the word is derived from the Zulu language of South Africa, and can be translated as ‘Humanity to others’. UBUNTU has been designed to be used on PCs, Servers, and Core for driving Robotics and IoT (Internet of Everything) devices. UBUNTU is derived from Debian. UBUNTU in the original version employed GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment), a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a set of Desktop Applications for Linux. The ease of use of GNOME makes Linux very easy to use for beginners and non-programmers alike. This is similar to the Windows interface for Desktops. We now take A look into Ubuntu operating system.

Background Data

UBUNTU is an Open Source Software Operating System that runs from the Desktop to the Cloud and to all necessary Internet connectivity. All the editions can run on the computer alone, or in a virtual machine. It was developed by Canonical and initially released on October 20th 2004. Its latest release was on October 17th 2019. The Package Managers are GNOME Software, APT, dpkg, Snappy and Flatpak. It was initially licensed as Free Software plus some Proprietary Device Drivers. Its Kernel type is Linux Kernel, and the Programming Languages are Python, Java, C, C++, C#. LTS (Long Term Support), currently released, are supportive for five years and are released every two years. Present version is UBUNTU 6.06. Each release is given free support for nine months, with Security Fixes and High Level Bug Fixes. Canonical and Mark Shuttleworth launched the UBUNTU Foundation creation On July 8th 2005. A preliminary fund of 10 million US Dollars was provided, and the Foundation’s objective was ensuring the development and support for all futuristic UBUNTU versions. On March 12th 2009, UBUNTU proclaimed Third-Party Cloud Management Platforms Developers Support. This support is used by Amazon EC2. Since UBUNTU 17.10 replaced older versions, GNOME 3 became UBUNTU desktop’s default GUI. However, any further development for UBUNTU Phone and UBUNTU Tablet and on Convergence will be ceased by Canonical. This has given us A look into Ubuntu operating system.


  • UBUNTU does not need to be installed. So the User can take his Os and all his best files lock, stock and barrel to another PC, and work from it as a personal belonging.
  • UBUNTU can be customized entirely. This allows Users to personalize almost every single element of their UI/UX. Starting from pop-out styles, to fonts, from notification sounds to system animations, every inch becomes Customizable. Windows, even the “10” version, falls far short of UBUNTU.
  • UBUNTU is high Security. Of course, UBUNTU is not targetted because of its share in the market, but even stubborn malware and Trojans can be taken care of.
  • UBUNTU suits Development.
  • UBUNTU can be updated without Restarting. This is extremely convenient for people who work by contract, on hour basis. The time taken to update can become significant source of loss to them, and others dependent on run-time, such as Consulting Bodies.
  • UBUNTU’s Command Line supports BASH that makes working on development environments, servers and local files much easier.
  • Window Tiling is supported by UBUNTU with Managers.
  • UBUNTU is much more Resource-Friendly than any Windows OS, even the latest. Not being able to afford high-end laptops will not stop the less wealthy amongst us to be able to use their old work-stations far longer.
  • UBUNTU is OPEN Source. This access to Source Code allows innovators to create the developments which would otherwise be very costly, or even unreachable.
  • UBUNTU is FREE! So many people who want to use computers can’t afford it, but UBUNTU makes it affordable to run an efficient OS, as well as numerous developed applications. Poor people occupy a substantial percentage of the world’s population, but cannot go to proper schools or afford a decent education. So the poor remain poor. Yet knowledge is available everywhere. UBUNTU makes sure that the poor do not remain deprived, but can aspire to the peaks.

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Mobile Operating Systems | Operating Systems

A Brief History of Operating Systems

These days, the operating systems have become an important part of all the technology which we are using. Be it our laptops or computer systems or our mobile phones. To run them smoothly, we need operating systems for all of them. Be it the hardware of our laptop or mobile phones or the software, we need an operating system for running both of them. Operating systems are the set of programs that are required for providing the interface in between the different applications and the hardware of the computer systems or mobile phones. Operating systems have helped the devices to work properly and efficiently. One can easily make use of the devices with the help of the operating systems. It has also increased the performance of these different devices. In the past few years, operating systems have evolved a lot. The new operating systems are helping the advanced and modern devices by making it easier to make use of both hardware and software.

Operating Systems History

This might be surprising for many of you, but earlier the operating systems were not there. With the development of technology, operating systems have also been introduced. Earlier in the 1940s, the computer systems used to work on the programs. The users used to input these programs in the machine hardware by using the micro switches. Later on, in the year 1950, some new technologies were developed. These technologies were introduced in order to make the interaction between the user and the computer system easier.

It was in the year 1956 when the first operating system was introduced. It was introduced in order to make the IBM mainframe computer run. It was introduced by General Motors. Later on, other owners of IBM Mainframe Computer followed a similar pattern for making the operating system for their computer system. If we look at the computer systems from different generations, then they have been classified into 4 generations according to their architecture. But you should also know that the architecture of these computers is also related to the operating systems.

Like the 1st Generation Computers which were introduced in the year 1940, they did not have any operating systems. No one even thought of an operating system or would have heard about it. The digital computers at that time worked with the help of the programs only like we have mentioned above. Even there were no programming languages also at that time.

Then in the 2nd Generation, in the 1950s some improvement was brought and it was the time when the first operating systems were introduced, about which we have mentioned above. It was introduced for IBM 701. At that time there was the single-stream batch processing system. It was because the users used to submit data and programs in the batches or the groups.

In the 3rd Generation, in the 1960s, some advanced technologies were developed. The multiprogramming concept was introduced by the operating system designers in the 1960s. There were many new techniques which were introduced in the operating system. Due to the multiprogramming concept, several jobs were done at the same time. When a job was waiting for the Input-Output Operation, at the same time the CPU was used by another job, unlike the old operating system without the multiprogramming feature. The operating systems in the 3rd generation were made in such a way that all the programs can run at a fast speed and can get completed fast. It also made the other programs initiate and start soon which are waiting to run. The time-sharing feature was also introduced in the 3rd generation operating system. To multi-program the interactive users in large numbers, the time-sharing technique was made.

In the 4th Generation, the operating systems were used in personal computers also. This was made possible by the Large-Scale Integration Circuits Development. Some of the operating systems which were used at that time are, UNIX and MS-DOS.

At present, there are many operating systems which are in use like Linux and Microsoft Windows. For mobile phones also, we have operating systems like Android and IOS. At present, most of us are using the Windows Operating System, which was introduced in the year 1985.

There are different types of operating systems which are being used these days like Batch Operating System, Real-Time Operating System, Multiprocessing Operating System, Multitasking /Time Sharing Operating System, Network Operating System, and Mobile Operating System.

Different functions of operating systems

Operating systems do not just perform one function, but they are being used for performing various functions like:

  • Helps in Managing the files – One of the important functions of the operating system is file management. With the help of this function, the operating system tries to manage all the activities related to the files. Like naming of the files, sharing of the files, organizing files, protecting files, and retrieval of files.
  • Helps in memory allocation and de-allocation – With the help of the memory management function of the operating system, it helps in allocating the memory to the programs which need the space. Also, it helps in de-allocation of the memory from the programs which do not require extra memory space or which are not in work anymore. This helps a user in saving or deleting any file easily by checking the memory space available on the computer system.
  • Helps in managing the processes – There are several types of processes that take place in any system. With the help of process management function of the operating system, it becomes easy for one to manage the creating or deleting of any process. One can also create easy synchronization among different processes using the process management system.
  • Helps in securing the data – With the help of the operating systems, we can also keep our data secure, whether we are using it on phone or we are using it on laptop or computer systems. It also helps in protecting the data from unauthorized access. The security module is also being used for protecting the data from malware.

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harmony os
Mobile Operating Systems | Operating Systems | OS Developers

What is Harmony OS?

Recently a new operating system name came in the market, known as Harmony Operating System. Many of you might not be aware of this operating system or might be hearing this name for the first time. Originally, this operating system was known as Hongmeng Operating System. But Huawei has changed its name to Harmony Operating System. It is Huawei only which announced the name of this operating system recently. It has also been mentioned by the Consumer CEO of Huawei, Richard Yu, that this Huawei Operating System is different than other operating systems. They have claimed that this is not like the Android or Apple’s operating systems. Richard Yu has also said that this new Huawei Operating System will meet the consumer’s expectation by providing them a holistic and smart experience. It has been mentioned by Yu, that this operating system will work on a different platform and different devices. It has been built by keeping the consumer’s expectation in mind.

What is Harmony OS?

The Harmony OS or the Hongmeng Operating System is one such operating system which fulfills the need for multiple devices. That is why it is also being called as the operating system that is one-size fit. This operating system can also work in different IoT tech devices like tablets, smartwatches, car systems, and many others. It is being termed as one of the platforms which are customizable for any kind of hardware once it is developed. The meaning of the original name that is ‘Hongmeng’, in Chinese Mythology is a wild goose. However, the meaning of this name is nowhere related to the operating system.

How does the Huawei Operating System work?

Talking about the working of the Huawei Operating System, so it operates on Microkernel architecture. It is a minimal software, that is being used for the mechanism of the operating system. This mechanism is not like the Monolithic Kernel, but it works with small source codes. Huawei has mentioned that this operating system works on the code of only 100 lines. They have also said that it is better than the Android operating system, as it works on Deterministic Latency Engine. This means that this system helps in reducing latency by making its performance an important part. Also, it takes care of the communication channels that are there in between the hardware and the software by simplifying it. Talking about how it works on multiple devices so it is because of its architecture and the IDE that is the Integrated Development Environment. It helps the developers in building apps which will work on multiple devices. The developers can build the apps with different languages and it will then get translated as it has ARK compiler, which will convert or translate it into a single language. This makes it attractive for all kinds of app companies including: games, dating apps, sex app companies, and other app companies that would be interested in a more streamlined distribution across platforms and devices.

What is the need for Harmony OS?

Till date, the Huawei has not launched the Harmony OS. But it may launch it in the next year. Huawei created this operating system in place of Android, to keep it as an alternative. If the US will enforce the ban on Huawei by stopping it to use the Android, and different Google services available on the Play Store, then it will use Harmony OS. Huawei may launch this operating system very soon with television that will run on this operating system. As we already told you that it will work on multiple devices, so it may also plan to launch a smartwatch that will work on this operating system.

Different Features in the Huawei Operating System

There are many features in the Huawei Operating System. But as mentioned by Huawei there are 4 main features, which you should be aware of. The features are Seamless, Smooth, Secure, and Unified. Let’s consider a bit about these features.

  • Seamless – It is been said that this operating system will provide a seamless experience to the customers across all the devices, as it has distributed architecture which is not there in the other operating systems.
  • Smooth – This operating system has high-performance IPC and it also has a deterministic latency engine.
  • Secure – It has a strong security system because of the Microkernel architecture.
  • Unified – Thanks to the multi-device IDE. As it is helping in deploying this operating system across various devices without any problem.

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Future OS | Operating Systems

What are Microsoft’s Ideas For a New “Modern” Operating System?

Microsoft Corporation remains a credible international technology company. The company is renowned for its reliability in providing technology solutions which range from developing, manufacturing, licensing, supporting and selling computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers and so on and so forth. In what seems to be an evolution from the giant company’s operating systems, the company’s vice president of consumer and device sales, Nick Parker brought out a number of pointers as to what consumers ought to get from a windows operating system. Read on to have an idea of what he pointed out.

Safety by default and Multi –sense interaction

The operating system should be different from the one in present ones. This is in the sense that the computer itself should be separate from the applications. This compartmentalization enhances protection of the users. This is a way to stay safe from the common malicious attacks as the can easily be blocked. On the other hand, there will be more input methods. These include a pen, voice, touch and gaze. This is amazing compared to the usual keyboard and mouse only.

Constant Performance and A set of Enablers

The device is meant to be ready for use. It is to be used at the very instance it is picked up. This wipes out the worries of the condition it is left in such as worries of having to leave it with a full battery in case one requires to use it the next time. In addition to that, a set of enablers will come in handy to ensure that updates are done in a seamless manner. This is a dream come true for many users as will be able to continue with their usual stuff while updates are being done at the background. Picture being able to continue to swipe on a dating app like bumble, while you are updating your os. This is convenience taken to another level as interruptions will be a thing of the past.

Well Connected Devices and a Group of Delighters

The modern Operating system is to have Wi-Fi and LTE 5G incorporated in it. This will eliminate all worries over dead spots. This is because all devices will be well connected to each other and aware of it. This will contribute to great convenience. In addition to that, there will be a number of delighters. These ones are meant to bring a more human touch in the operating system. They are cloud connected experiences using computer power. Such experiences will be powered by AI. With these, the modern operating system will be able to make predictions on what one’s activities are for the next day.

The modern OS seems to be the next big deal at Microsoft. This is so especially with the convenience that is expected to come by with the inception of the modern OS.The implication for apps are huge. With the explosion of dating apps, casual dating apps, and meet and fuck site apps dominating both desktop and mobile devices, the need for flexible operating systems becomes increasingly important. In addition to the above features, the ultimate in form factor agility is meant to give a sensor support as well as posture awareness. This will promote the breadth of innovative form factors and applications provided by the partner ecosystem.…

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